
Application Form PDF

When completed, please return this form to:
G/F, 66 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Email : info@pcvetacademy.com

Online Application Form


Diploma in Veterinary Nursing

03/04/2025 (Thursday)

I. Personal Details (* Compulsory)

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Input must be filled
Input must be filled
Input must be filled

For Part II to Part IV, please fill-in with chronological order with the nearest goes first.

II. # Education*

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Input must be filled
Input must be filled

Public exam result of English Language

III. Working Experience

# Please provide copies of HKID and certificate(s) of education. *

Choose file
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IV. Source of Information

How did you learn about this programme? (Please )


  1. Course fee must be accompanied with this form (or its photocopy), otherwise enrolment may be rejected.
  2. PCVA has adopted a Personal Data (Privacy) Policy. Information about the policy is available at enrolment counter for collection. You may also contact our Personal Data Officer for further details.
  3. PCVA reserves the right to reject any application in any circumstances and for whatever reasons. Payment of fees should only be construed as conditional acceptance of application until fulfillment of all the admission requirements.Rejected applications
    will be refunded.
  4. PCVA reserves the right to change the venue, date and time as necessary.
  5. Payee for bank cheque: Pets Central Veterinary Academy Limited.
  6. The course fee is non-refundable unless under the circumstances stipulated in refund policies.

Personal Data (Privacy Policy) Statement

In order to undertake to protect your right to privacy in your personal data, we ensure that the policies and practices in thecollection, use, retention, transfer and access to your personal data comply with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of the HKSAR. PCVA will not disclose personal information to third parties without the consent of the data owner, unless it is used for the purpose of its collection, or is permitted or required by law.

Refund Policies

  1. In case of closure of the course provider prior to the commencement of the Course, to the extent permitted under the laws in relation to winding up or liquidation or bankruptcy or other applicable laws, the course provider shall refund to Course participants in full all tuition fees and other monies then paid by Course participants as soon as practicable and before the deadline as set out in the ensuing paragraphs. 
  2. If the Course cannot be operated according to the specifications and descriptions originally published and made known to Course participants or otherwise the course specifications and descriptions as specified in the application then submitted by the course provider in applying for Registration and that Course participants decline to accept the revised arrangements, the course provider shall refund to Course participants in full or on a pro-rata basis the tuition fees and other monies then paid by the Course participants within one month after the Course participants have requested for tuition fees refund.
  3. If the Course cannot be operated on the date or at the time specified in the Course leaflet or brochure and Course participants decline the revised arrangements, the course provider shall refund in full (if the Course has never commenced) or on a prorata basis (in respect of any period of the Course which has been paid but not completed) the tuition fees and other monies collected to Course participants within one month after the Course participants have requested for tuition fees refund.
  4. In case of cessation of a Course after its commencement, the course provider you shall refund the Course participants the tuition fees and other monies then paid by the Course participants in respect of any period of the Course which has been paid but not completed on a pro-rata basis within one month after the cessation of the Course.

Refund Procedures

  1. The refund arrangement specified above shall form part of the terms and conditions for the provision of the Course by the course provider to all Course participants.
  2. The course provider shall refund Course participants in accordance with the policies stated above.
  3. When processing the refund, the course provider may not destroy the tuition fees and other monies receipt originals. Upon receipt of the refund, Course participants should sign to acknowledge the receipt. The course provider should keep all the receipt originals and participants’ acknowledgement for record.
  4. The refund may either be in cash or in cheque.


  1. I certify that the information in this application form is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
  2. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations set by PCVA.
  3. I read and agree the terms and conditions stated in the application form and the Personal Data (Privacy) policies.
  4. I read and understood: It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualifications to which the course may lead to.
  5. The personal data collected may be used by PCVA for promotion purpose, please indicate your agreement to receive related emails, messages or calls from PCVA and its affiliation. Please ✓ in the box:
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